Book of revelation chapter 14 explained

In summary fashion, john highlights gods judgment against the living earth. The book of revelation was given so that believers in christ would know the things which must soon take place, including the coming of the. Revelation, in one section, forms an inverted parallel with the book of enoch in which 1 en 100. Book of revelation for dummies cheat sheet dummies. A commentary on the book of revelation chapter 19 by tom. This is to corre spond with the chapters in the revelation. The first reaping represents the lords taking home of his people prior to the falling of his wrath. Revelation 2020 lesson 14 verse by verse ministry international. As we studied the story of revelation in chapter, we were left with the impressive picture of the three enemies of the church the dragon satan, the sea beast.

This is the first of seven beatitudes of revelation revelation 1. After the trumpet judgments, the focus of revelation changed from a moreorless chronological account to a description of certain people and events. What is the sevenheaded wild beast of revelation chapter. The beast of revelation was terrifying and awesome. Revelation 14 is the fourteenth chapter of the book of revelation or the apocalypse of john in the new testament of the christian bible. Revelation made simple and easy to understand this last book of the bible bears the title revelation, meaning, unveiling, yet, it presents visions of. It is a victory song patterned after the victory song of moses as seen in revelation 15. For example, the anglican church virtually omits revelation in its regular schedule of readings for both public worship and private devotions. According to tim lahaye in his book revelation unveiled, anyone who would accurately interpret the book of revelation must locate the scene of the activity before he or she begins. Revelation 14 the church of jesus christ of latterday saints.

Revelation 14 bible commentary matthew henry concise. Listen to this report filed by john in the seventh chapter of revelation. And they sing the song of moses the servant of god. A commentary on the book of revelation chapter 14 the. In chapter 14 we have the dealings of god with the evil, only first owning and setting apart the remnant. A verse by verse commentary on the bible book of revelation. Then i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earthto every nation, tribe, tongue, and people john describes a new vision of an angel with a message as the eternal gospel. However below, subsequently you visit this web page, it will be in view of that very easy to acquire as skillfully as page 325. Yet, the book of revelation is far more than an apocalyptic prophecy. As the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth 1. The three angels revelation 14 revelation made clear. Revelation 14 commentary the reward of the 144,000. The book of revelation explained by pastor allen nolan is a teaching series on how to unravel the mysteries of the book of the revelation.

One of these events, shown in chapter 14, is a celebration which occurs very near the end of the tribulation. And i heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. I know your works, that you have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. The lord jesus at the head of his faithful followers v. Likewise, the seven heads of the beast of revelation. Every statement is to be taken to mean for exactly what is written unless such interpretation is highly improbable. The close of chapter 14 of the apocalypse is the definitive picture of the judgment of the lamb as viewed from the winepress of his wrath. Between chapters 11 and 16, revelation pauses its inorder description of the end times to introduce certain figures and highlight certain events. John sees future tribulation, but he also sees the lamb of god seated on his throne revelation 1.

The symbol mandated for all followers of antichrist, administered by the false prophet, is the mark of the beast, which is further related to the number 666. Revelation 14 explained in detail kjv, this sermon by tyler doka goes verse by verse through the book of revelation chapter 14 to give you a deep understan. So it is fair to ask, is the beast completely victorious over all gods people. The versebyverse commentary on each chapter of revelation is on a separate page of this website. Chapters 14 and 15 show two kinds of martyrs of that time. And i heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder. He was to preach this message to everyone who who dwell on the earth. Revelation 14 will answer two important questions raised by revelation. The book of revelation must be taken literal whenever possible. Lets set the scene for chapter 14 with a brief transition out of the events of chapter. Enduring word bible commentary revelation chapter 14. Then i looked, and behold indicates a new vision is about to be narrated. Revelation 14 explained in detail kjv the image of the.

This can lead the reader to expect this pattern to continue. This is an informational chapter from the little book that tells us about the last gentile world political and world religious power and the men that lead them just before the return of jesus christ. The two beasts described here are the figures often referred to as the antichrist and the false prophet. The one who has the seven spirits of god and the seven stars says this. Revelation 14 william barclays daily study bible bible. The lamb and the 144,000 then i looked, and there before me was the lamb, standing on mount zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his fathers name written on their foreheads. In summary fashion, john highlights gods judgment against the living earthdwellers revelation 14 prior to a detailed description of gods judgment. Revelation chapter 9 discover the book of revelation. A scientific and devotional commentary on the book of revelation.

We are not told just how the conflict was resolved, but john gives us a momentary glimpse of its outcome. The book depicts him as the risen, glorified son of god ministering among the churches 1. Enduring word bible commentary revelation chapter 1. The 14 4,000 and the victorious judgment of the lamb 1and i looked, and, lo, a lamb stood on the mount sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his fathers name written in their foreheads. Jesus himself is shown to return on a white horse, along with those with him rev 19. Revelation 15 is a short chapter, bridging two sections in johns series of visions. The burning, searching eyes of the incarnate word of god will pierce the innermost heart of all humankind. Other references to white in association with jesus is rev 1. The twentieth chapter of the book of revelation is a vital passage for those who interpret the book futuristically. There is an angel ascending in both accounts 1 en 100. Chapter 16 follows with a third series of judgments with seven vials of wrath. Letters to the assemblies at ephesus, smyrna, pergamos, and thyatira.

Book of revelation commentary chapter 14 jesus christ is. Chapter 17 and 18 show the judgment of babylon which is christendom departed from god. If so, then it would mean that jesus was standing with them on earth in the. A commentary on the book of revelation chapter 14 the 144,000. Just click the link to the commentary of a chapter that you want to read. And they ascended to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies saw them. Revelation chapter 14 revelation chapter 14 begins with the lamb standing on mount zion and with him 144,000 having his name and the name of his father written on their foreheads. Revelation complete bible book chapters and summary new. Its not something that happens in chapter 14 and then again in chapter 19. Tyndale house, 1983 note that this is not leon morris who is categorized below click for a notes cyril barber the ministers library treating the apocalypse chapter bychapter, morris provides his readers with numerous sidelights on the text not found. When such a fugitive reached that temple, he was branded with certain sacred marks in. Similarly, the book of revelation will culminate with the image of the marriage of the. Chapter 14 takes place in heaven, but only halfway through the tribulation. David guzik commentary on revelation 14 describes the proclamation of an angel from heaven, preaching the gospel, and the defeat of the beast.

This is the third time we have read about the seven spirits of god. Return from chapter 14 to the versebyverse commentary on revelation page. The bowls of wrath the last plagues of the judgments of elohim god on the earth dwellers. As chapter 7 by its context would indicate, they are the great evangelists of the tribulation who proclaim the gospel of the lord jesus christ.

Any criminal, slave or free man, was safe there from pursuing vengeance. Book of revelation explained scripture by scripture. It contains the only description of the millennium latin, thousand years in. The 144,000 in the book of revelation david jeremiah blog. After these things i looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands revelation 7. Mount zion occurring only here in the book of revelation is a place on earth, not in heaven, for the voice heard next is a voice from heaven v. A christian is one who lives his or her life in sincere allegiance to christ. The first blessing is in the first chapter of revelation in verse 3. The lamb will stand upon mount zionthe gospel will be restored in the last days by angelic ministrythe son of man will harvest the earth. Christ initially gave in the revelation a manifestation of himself to the apostle john as a god of judgment, i. After an account of the great trials and sufferings which the servants of god had endured, we have now a more pleasant scene opening.

The first harvest gathers out the righteous from the wicked see revelation 14. Take a look at the basic structure of the book of revelation. Satan persecutes the body of believers in yahushua through antimessiah and the false prophet. Revelation 14 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. The book of revelation is the only book in the bible, that i know of, that has a blessing associated with it for those who will read itnot once but twice. Hinds, a commentary on the book of revelation nashville. The 144,000 chosen ones spoken of in revelation chapter 14 were comprised of the faithful followers from a dozen different clans of israel.

Revelation chapter 14 explained revelation chapter 14 revelation 14 commentary. The second reaping symbolizes the wrath of god falling upon lost mankind. And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying. The book of revelation, a prophecy of warning and hope. Revelation 14 kjv and i looked, and, lo, a lamb stood on. Elect boogaloo john sees the lamb standing on mount zion. Because they neglect the book revelation, many people miss this blessing. In fact, the opening passage contains a blessing to everyone who reads, hears, and keeps the words of this prophecy. Those faithful to christ celebrate the praises of god. Revelation 14 images of gods victory and the beasts defeat a. Then i looked, and behold, a lamb standing on mount zion, and with him one hundred and fortyfour thousand, having his fathers name written on their foreheads. And i looked, and, lo, a lamb stood on the mount zion, and with him an hundred forty and four. Understanding the book of revelation prophecy and truth.

Revelation chapter 14 explained discover books of the bible. The book of revelation explained key facts and issues. In our previous studies in mentioned that we would wait until revelation 5. Introduction to the revelation of the day of yahovah the l ord chapter 2. Finally chapter 19 brings in christ appearing on earth. Chapter 14 after an account of the great trials and sufferings which the servants of god had endured, we have now a more pleasant scene opening. There is a lot of conflict and confusion about this. In the final section of this chapter, john sees the second coming of christ pictured as two reapings of the earth.

There is suffering and death in johns vision, but there is also hope revelation 1. This serves as a great summary to the book of revelation for those looking for a bible study on the book of revelation as it is found in the new testament. Many of the events described in revelation 611 seem to be chronological in order. The last section of chapter 14 depicts jesus holding a sicklea farming tool used to cut plants during the harvest. Revelation 5 niv the scroll and the lamb then i saw in. Chapter tells us of the two allies of the dragon and how they wage the war on the saints. The latter is what will descend on earth after the great white throne judgment and remain on earth for eternity. The two beasts of the preceding chapter are nowhere to be seen. The sound i heard was like that of harpists playing their harps.

Hes not saying that it was these things that he was actually hearing, but only that is what it all. Chapter revealed satan raising two beasts to make war with the christians. The lord jesus at the head of his faithful followers. The gospel according to the revelation chapter 14 commentary. Who are the two witnesses in the book of revelation. He was identified with the false prophet by his utterance of pseudoprophecy, of which deceptions jesus also warned matthew 24.

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